Museu de Brooklyn

Infotaula d'organitzacióMuseu de Brooklyn
Brooklyn Museum

Museu de Brooklyn
Tipusmuseu d'art
organització sense ànim de lucre Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Forma jurídicaassociació 501(c)(3) Modifica el valor a Wikidata
ÀmbitMuseu d'art
Visitants anuals500.000
Governança corporativa
  • 200 Eastern Parkway, Nova York
Persona rellevantMichael Friedsam Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Propietari de
Mrs. Robert Abbe (Catherine Amory Bennett) (en) Tradueix Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Part deConsorci de Recursos Artístics de Nova York Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Indicador econòmic
Ingressos totals41.168.595 $ (2016) Modifica el valor a Wikidata
Número de telèfon+1 (718) 638-5000 Modifica el valor a Wikidata

Lloc web[1]
Facebook: brooklynmuseum X: brooklynmuseum Instagram: brooklynmuseum LinkedIn: brooklyn-museum GitHub: brooklynmuseum Modifica els identificadors a Wikidata
NotesRegistre n. 77000944

El Museu de Brooklyn o Brooklyn Museum (en anglès), està situat al número 200 d'Eastern Parkway, a la ciutat de Nova York, a la zona de Brooklyn. Es tracta del segon museu més important de la ciutat i un dels més grans dels Estats Units.

És una de les principals institucions d'art del món i la seva col·lecció permanent d'art inclou més d'un milió i mig d'objectes, des d'obres mestres de l'antic Egipte dins a art contemporani i peces de diferents cultures. El museu presenta una superfície de 52.000 m² i cada any el visiten mig milió de persones.[1]


El museu va ser inaugurat l'any 1897. La seva estructura és d'acer, va ser dissenyada pels arquitectes McKim, Mead i White i construïda per la Construction Company.[1]

Art i col·leccions

El museu té una rica i variada col·lecció d'obres d'arreu del món.

Art americà

  • Charles Willson Peale, George Washington, c. 1776
    Charles Willson Peale, George Washington, c. 1776
  • Samuel Morse, Portrait of John Adams, 1816
    Samuel Morse, Portrait of John Adams, 1816
  • Edward Hicks, The Peaceable Kingdom, c. 1830-1840
    Edward Hicks, The Peaceable Kingdom, c. 1830-1840
  • John J. Audubon, Wild Turkey, lithograph, c. 1861
    John J. Audubon, Wild Turkey, lithograph, c. 1861
  • Eastman Johnson, A Ride for Liberty – The Fugitive Slaves, c. 1862
    Eastman Johnson, A Ride for Liberty – The Fugitive Slaves, c. 1862
  • Albert Pinkham Ryder, Evening Glow The Old Red Cow, 1870-1875
    Albert Pinkham Ryder, Evening Glow The Old Red Cow, 1870-1875
  • Albert Pinkham Ryder, The Waste of Waters is Their Field, 1880.
    Albert Pinkham Ryder, The Waste of Waters is Their Field, 1880.
  • Winslow Homer, The Northeaster, c. 1883
    Winslow Homer, The Northeaster, c. 1883
  • Ralph Albert Blakelock, Moonlight, 1885.
    Ralph Albert Blakelock, Moonlight, 1885.
  • George Inness, Sunrise, 1887
    George Inness, Sunrise, 1887
  • Thomas Eakins, Letitia Wilson Jordan, 1888
    Thomas Eakins, Letitia Wilson Jordan, 1888
  • John Singer Sargent, Paul César Helleu Sketching with His Wife, 1889
    John Singer Sargent, Paul César Helleu Sketching with His Wife, 1889
  • Mary Cassatt, La Toilette, c. 1889-1894.
    Mary Cassatt, La Toilette, c. 1889-1894.
  • Childe Hassam, Late Afternoon, New York, Winter, c. 1900
    Childe Hassam, Late Afternoon, New York, Winter, c. 1900
  • Thomas Eakins, William Rush Carving his Allegorical Figure of the Schuylkill River, 1908
    Thomas Eakins, William Rush Carving his Allegorical Figure of the Schuylkill River, 1908
  • William Glackens, Nude with Apple, 1909-1910
    William Glackens, Nude with Apple, 1909-1910
  • George Bellows, A Morning Snow--Hudson River, 1910
    George Bellows, A Morning Snow--Hudson River, 1910
  • Georgia O'Keeffe, Blue 1, 1916
    Georgia O'Keeffe, Blue 1, 1916
  • Marsden Hartley, Landscape, New Mexico, 1916-1920
    Marsden Hartley, Landscape, New Mexico, 1916-1920

Art africà

  • Kuba Ndop Portrait.
    Kuba Ndop Portrait.
  • Golden rider of the Ashanti region culture in Ghana.
    Golden rider of the Ashanti region culture in Ghana.

Art del món islàmic

  • Bahram Gur and Courtiers Entertained by Barbad the Musician, Page from Shahnama of Ferdowsi.
    Bahram Gur and Courtiers Entertained by Barbad the Musician, Page from Shahnama of Ferdowsi.
  • Zumurrud Shah Takes Refuge in the Mountains, ca. 1570.
    Zumurrud Shah Takes Refuge in the Mountains, ca. 1570.
  • Mihr 'Ali (Iranian, active ca. 1800-1830). Portrait of Fath-Ali Shah Qajar, 1815.
    Mihr 'Ali (Iranian, active ca. 1800-1830). Portrait of Fath-Ali Shah Qajar, 1815.
  • Muhammad Hasan (Persian, active 1808-1840). Prince Yahya, ca. 1830s.
    Muhammad Hasan (Persian, active 1808-1840). Prince Yahya, ca. 1830s.
  • Bowl with Kufic Inscription, 10th century.
    Bowl with Kufic Inscription, 10th century.

Art europeu

  • Lorenzo di Niccolò, Saint Lawrence Buried in Saint Stephen's Tomb, 1410–1414, tempera and tooled gold on poplar, 33 × 36 cm
    Lorenzo di Niccolò, Saint Lawrence Buried in Saint Stephen's Tomb, 1410–1414, tempera and tooled gold on poplar, 33 × 36 cm
  • Sano di Pietro, Triptych of Madonna with Child, St. James and St. John the Evangelist, ca. 1460 and 1462
    Sano di Pietro, Triptych of Madonna with Child, St. James and St. John the Evangelist, ca. 1460 and 1462
  • Eugène Delacroix, Desdemona Cursed by her Father (Desdemona maudite par son père), c. 1850-1854
    Eugène Delacroix, Desdemona Cursed by her Father (Desdemona maudite par son père), c. 1850-1854
  • Honoré Daumier, The Two Colleagues (Lawyers) (Les deux confrères Avocats), between 1865 and 1870
    Honoré Daumier, The Two Colleagues (Lawyers) (Les deux confrères Avocats), between 1865 and 1870
  • Gustave Courbet, The Edge of the Pool, 1867
    Gustave Courbet, The Edge of the Pool, 1867
  • Edgar Degas, Portrait de Mlle Eugénie Fiocre, 1867-1868
    Edgar Degas, Portrait de Mlle Eugénie Fiocre, 1867-1868
  • Alfred Sisley, Flood at Moret (Inondation à Moret), 1879
    Alfred Sisley, Flood at Moret (Inondation à Moret), 1879
  • Gustave Caillebotte, Apple Tree in Bloom (Pommier en fleurs), c. 1885
    Gustave Caillebotte, Apple Tree in Bloom (Pommier en fleurs), c. 1885
  • Jules Breton, Fin du travail (The End of the Working Day), c.1886-1887
    Jules Breton, Fin du travail (The End of the Working Day), c.1886-1887
  • Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, At the Moulin Rouge (Au Moulin Rouge), c. 1892.
    Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, At the Moulin Rouge (Au Moulin Rouge), c. 1892.
  • Claude Monet, The Church at Vernon, 1894
    Claude Monet, The Church at Vernon, 1894
  • Claude Monet, Houses of Parliament Sunlight Effect (Le Parlement effet de soleil), 1903
    Claude Monet, Houses of Parliament Sunlight Effect (Le Parlement effet de soleil), 1903
  • Claude Monet, The Doge's Palace (Le Palais ducal), 1908
    Claude Monet, The Doge's Palace (Le Palais ducal), 1908
  • Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Les Vignes à Cagnes, 1908.
    Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Les Vignes à Cagnes, 1908.


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