Hochschild homology

Theory for associative algebras over rings

In mathematics, Hochschild homology (and cohomology) is a homology theory for associative algebras over rings. There is also a theory for Hochschild homology of certain functors. Hochschild cohomology was introduced by Gerhard Hochschild (1945) for algebras over a field, and extended to algebras over more general rings by Henri Cartan and Samuel Eilenberg (1956).

Definition of Hochschild homology of algebras

Let k be a field, A an associative k-algebra, and M an A-bimodule. The enveloping algebra of A is the tensor product A e = A A o {\displaystyle A^{e}=A\otimes A^{o}} of A with its opposite algebra. Bimodules over A are essentially the same as modules over the enveloping algebra of A, so in particular A and M can be considered as Ae-modules. Cartan & Eilenberg (1956) defined the Hochschild homology and cohomology group of A with coefficients in M in terms of the Tor functor and Ext functor by

H H n ( A , M ) = Tor n A e ( A , M ) {\displaystyle HH_{n}(A,M)=\operatorname {Tor} _{n}^{A^{e}}(A,M)}
H H n ( A , M ) = Ext A e n ( A , M ) {\displaystyle HH^{n}(A,M)=\operatorname {Ext} _{A^{e}}^{n}(A,M)}

Hochschild complex

Let k be a ring, A an associative k-algebra that is a projective k-module, and M an A-bimodule. We will write A n {\displaystyle A^{\otimes n}} for the n-fold tensor product of A over k. The chain complex that gives rise to Hochschild homology is given by

C n ( A , M ) := M A n {\displaystyle C_{n}(A,M):=M\otimes A^{\otimes n}}

with boundary operator d i {\displaystyle d_{i}} defined by

d 0 ( m a 1 a n ) = m a 1 a 2 a n d i ( m a 1 a n ) = m a 1 a i a i + 1 a n d n ( m a 1 a n ) = a n m a 1 a n 1 {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}d_{0}(m\otimes a_{1}\otimes \cdots \otimes a_{n})&=ma_{1}\otimes a_{2}\cdots \otimes a_{n}\\d_{i}(m\otimes a_{1}\otimes \cdots \otimes a_{n})&=m\otimes a_{1}\otimes \cdots \otimes a_{i}a_{i+1}\otimes \cdots \otimes a_{n}\\d_{n}(m\otimes a_{1}\otimes \cdots \otimes a_{n})&=a_{n}m\otimes a_{1}\otimes \cdots \otimes a_{n-1}\end{aligned}}}

where a i {\displaystyle a_{i}} is in A for all 1 i n {\displaystyle 1\leq i\leq n} and m M {\displaystyle m\in M} . If we let

b n = i = 0 n ( 1 ) i d i , {\displaystyle b_{n}=\sum _{i=0}^{n}(-1)^{i}d_{i},}

then b n 1 b n = 0 {\displaystyle b_{n-1}\circ b_{n}=0} , so ( C n ( A , M ) , b n ) {\displaystyle (C_{n}(A,M),b_{n})} is a chain complex called the Hochschild complex, and its homology is the Hochschild homology of A with coefficients in M. Henceforth, we will write b n {\displaystyle b_{n}} as simply b {\displaystyle b} .


The maps d i {\displaystyle d_{i}} are face maps making the family of modules ( C n ( A , M ) , b ) {\displaystyle (C_{n}(A,M),b)} a simplicial object in the category of k-modules, i.e., a functor Δok-mod, where Δ is the simplex category and k-mod is the category of k-modules. Here Δo is the opposite category of Δ. The degeneracy maps are defined by

s i ( a 0 a n ) = a 0 a i 1 a i + 1 a n . {\displaystyle s_{i}(a_{0}\otimes \cdots \otimes a_{n})=a_{0}\otimes \cdots \otimes a_{i}\otimes 1\otimes a_{i+1}\otimes \cdots \otimes a_{n}.}

Hochschild homology is the homology of this simplicial module.

Relation with the Bar complex

There is a similar looking complex B ( A / k ) {\displaystyle B(A/k)} called the Bar complex which formally looks very similar to the Hochschild complex[1]pg 4-5. In fact, the Hochschild complex H H ( A / k ) {\displaystyle HH(A/k)} can be recovered from the Bar complex as H H ( A / k ) A A A o p B ( A / k ) {\displaystyle HH(A/k)\cong A\otimes _{A\otimes A^{op}}B(A/k)} giving an explicit isomorphism.

As a derived self-intersection

There's another useful interpretation of the Hochschild complex in the case of commutative rings, and more generally, for sheaves of commutative rings: it is constructed from the derived self-intersection of a scheme (or even derived scheme) X {\displaystyle X} over some base scheme S {\displaystyle S} . For example, we can form the derived fiber product X × S L X {\displaystyle X\times _{S}^{\mathbf {L} }X} which has the sheaf of derived rings O X O S L O X {\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{X}\otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_{S}}^{\mathbf {L} }{\mathcal {O}}_{X}} . Then, if embed X {\displaystyle X} with the diagonal map Δ : X X × S L X {\displaystyle \Delta :X\to X\times _{S}^{\mathbf {L} }X} the Hochschild complex is constructed as the pullback of the derived self intersection of the diagonal in the diagonal product scheme H H ( X / S ) := Δ ( O X O X O S L O X L O X ) {\displaystyle HH(X/S):=\Delta ^{*}({\mathcal {O}}_{X}\otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_{X}\otimes _{{\mathcal {O}}_{S}}^{\mathbf {L} }{\mathcal {O}}_{X}}^{\mathbf {L} }{\mathcal {O}}_{X})} From this interpretation, it should be clear the Hochschild homology should have some relation to the Kähler differentials Ω X / S {\displaystyle \Omega _{X/S}} since the Kähler differentials can be defined using a self-intersection from the diagonal, or more generally, the cotangent complex L X / S {\displaystyle \mathbf {L} _{X/S}^{\bullet }} since this is the derived replacement for the Kähler differentials. We can recover the original definition of the Hochschild complex of a commutative k {\displaystyle k} -algebra A {\displaystyle A} by setting S = Spec ( k ) {\displaystyle S={\text{Spec}}(k)} and X = Spec ( A ) {\displaystyle X={\text{Spec}}(A)} Then, the Hochschild complex is quasi-isomorphic to H H ( A / k ) q i s o A A k L A L A {\displaystyle HH(A/k)\simeq _{qiso}A\otimes _{A\otimes _{k}^{\mathbf {L} }A}^{\mathbf {L} }A} If A {\displaystyle A} is a flat k {\displaystyle k} -algebra, then there's the chain of isomorphism A k L A A k A A k A o p {\displaystyle A\otimes _{k}^{\mathbf {L} }A\cong A\otimes _{k}A\cong A\otimes _{k}A^{op}} giving an alternative but equivalent presentation of the Hochschild complex.

Hochschild homology of functors

The simplicial circle S 1 {\displaystyle S^{1}} is a simplicial object in the category Fin {\displaystyle \operatorname {Fin} _{*}} of finite pointed sets, i.e., a functor Δ o Fin . {\displaystyle \Delta ^{o}\to \operatorname {Fin} _{*}.} Thus, if F is a functor F : Fin k m o d {\displaystyle F\colon \operatorname {Fin} \to k-\mathrm {mod} } , we get a simplicial module by composing F with S 1 {\displaystyle S^{1}} .

Δ o S 1 Fin F k -mod . {\displaystyle \Delta ^{o}{\overset {S^{1}}{\longrightarrow }}\operatorname {Fin} _{*}{\overset {F}{\longrightarrow }}k{\text{-mod}}.}

The homology of this simplicial module is the Hochschild homology of the functor F. The above definition of Hochschild homology of commutative algebras is the special case where F is the Loday functor.

Loday functor

A skeleton for the category of finite pointed sets is given by the objects

n + = { 0 , 1 , , n } , {\displaystyle n_{+}=\{0,1,\ldots ,n\},}

where 0 is the basepoint, and the morphisms are the basepoint preserving set maps. Let A be a commutative k-algebra and M be a symmetric A-bimodule[further explanation needed]. The Loday functor L ( A , M ) {\displaystyle L(A,M)} is given on objects in Fin {\displaystyle \operatorname {Fin} _{*}} by

n + M A n . {\displaystyle n_{+}\mapsto M\otimes A^{\otimes n}.}

A morphism

f : m + n + {\displaystyle f:m_{+}\to n_{+}}

is sent to the morphism f {\displaystyle f_{*}} given by

f ( a 0 a m ) = b 0 b n {\displaystyle f_{*}(a_{0}\otimes \cdots \otimes a_{m})=b_{0}\otimes \cdots \otimes b_{n}}


j { 0 , , n } : b j = { i f 1 ( j ) a i f 1 ( j ) 1 f 1 ( j ) = {\displaystyle \forall j\in \{0,\ldots ,n\}:\qquad b_{j}={\begin{cases}\prod _{i\in f^{-1}(j)}a_{i}&f^{-1}(j)\neq \emptyset \\1&f^{-1}(j)=\emptyset \end{cases}}}

Another description of Hochschild homology of algebras

The Hochschild homology of a commutative algebra A with coefficients in a symmetric A-bimodule M is the homology associated to the composition

Δ o S 1 Fin L ( A , M ) k -mod , {\displaystyle \Delta ^{o}{\overset {S^{1}}{\longrightarrow }}\operatorname {Fin} _{*}{\overset {{\mathcal {L}}(A,M)}{\longrightarrow }}k{\text{-mod}},}

and this definition agrees with the one above.


The examples of Hochschild homology computations can be stratified into a number of distinct cases with fairly general theorems describing the structure of the homology groups and the homology ring H H ( A ) {\displaystyle HH_{*}(A)} for an associative algebra A {\displaystyle A} . For the case of commutative algebras, there are a number of theorems describing the computations over characteristic 0 yielding a straightforward understanding of what the homology and cohomology compute.

Commutative characteristic 0 case

In the case of commutative algebras A / k {\displaystyle A/k} where Q k {\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} \subseteq k} , the Hochschild homology has two main theorems concerning smooth algebras, and more general non-flat algebras A {\displaystyle A} ; but, the second is a direct generalization of the first. In the smooth case, i.e. for a smooth algebra A {\displaystyle A} , the Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg theorem[2]pg 43-44 states there is an isomorphism Ω A / k n H H n ( A / k ) {\displaystyle \Omega _{A/k}^{n}\cong HH_{n}(A/k)} for every n 0 {\displaystyle n\geq 0} . This isomorphism can be described explicitly using the anti-symmetrization map. That is, a differential n {\displaystyle n} -form has the map a d b 1 d b n σ S n sign ( σ ) a b σ ( 1 ) b σ ( n ) . {\displaystyle a\,db_{1}\wedge \cdots \wedge db_{n}\mapsto \sum _{\sigma \in S_{n}}\operatorname {sign} (\sigma )a\otimes b_{\sigma (1)}\otimes \cdots \otimes b_{\sigma (n)}.} If the algebra A / k {\displaystyle A/k} isn't smooth, or even flat, then there is an analogous theorem using the cotangent complex. For a simplicial resolution P A {\displaystyle P_{\bullet }\to A} , we set L A / k i = Ω P / k i P A {\displaystyle \mathbb {L} _{A/k}^{i}=\Omega _{P_{\bullet }/k}^{i}\otimes _{P_{\bullet }}A} . Then, there exists a descending N {\displaystyle \mathbb {N} } -filtration F {\displaystyle F_{\bullet }} on H H n ( A / k ) {\displaystyle HH_{n}(A/k)} whose graded pieces are isomorphic to F i F i + 1 L A / k i [ + i ] . {\displaystyle {\frac {F_{i}}{F_{i+1}}}\cong \mathbb {L} _{A/k}^{i}[+i].} Note this theorem makes it accessible to compute the Hochschild homology not just for smooth algebras, but also for local complete intersection algebras. In this case, given a presentation A = R / I {\displaystyle A=R/I} for R = k [ x 1 , , x n ] {\displaystyle R=k[x_{1},\dotsc ,x_{n}]} , the cotangent complex is the two-term complex I / I 2 Ω R / k 1 k A {\displaystyle I/I^{2}\to \Omega _{R/k}^{1}\otimes _{k}A} .

Polynomial rings over the rationals

One simple example is to compute the Hochschild homology of a polynomial ring of Q {\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } with n {\displaystyle n} -generators. The HKR theorem gives the isomorphism H H ( Q [ x 1 , , x n ] ) = Q [ x 1 , , x n ] Λ ( d x 1 , , d x n ) {\displaystyle HH_{*}(\mathbb {Q} [x_{1},\ldots ,x_{n}])=\mathbb {Q} [x_{1},\ldots ,x_{n}]\otimes \Lambda (dx_{1},\dotsc ,dx_{n})} where the algebra ( d x 1 , , d x n ) {\displaystyle \bigwedge (dx_{1},\ldots ,dx_{n})} is the free antisymmetric algebra over Q {\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} } in n {\displaystyle n} -generators. Its product structure is given by the wedge product of vectors, so d x i d x j = d x j d x i d x i d x i = 0 {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}dx_{i}\cdot dx_{j}&=-dx_{j}\cdot dx_{i}\\dx_{i}\cdot dx_{i}&=0\end{aligned}}} for i j {\displaystyle i\neq j} .

Commutative characteristic p case

In the characteristic p case, there is a userful counter-example to the Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg theorem which elucidates for the need of a theory beyond simplicial algebras for defining Hochschild homology. Consider the Z {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} } -algebra F p {\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}} . We can compute a resolution of F p {\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}} as the free differential graded algebras Z p Z {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} \xrightarrow {\cdot p} \mathbb {Z} } giving the derived intersection F p Z L F p F p [ ε ] / ( ε 2 ) {\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}\otimes _{\mathbb {Z} }^{\mathbf {L} }\mathbb {F} _{p}\cong \mathbb {F} _{p}[\varepsilon ]/(\varepsilon ^{2})} where deg ( ε ) = 1 {\displaystyle {\text{deg}}(\varepsilon )=1} and the differential is the zero map. This is because we just tensor the complex above by F p {\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}} , giving a formal complex with a generator in degree 1 {\displaystyle 1} which squares to 0 {\displaystyle 0} . Then, the Hochschild complex is given by F p F p Z L F p L F p {\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}\otimes _{\mathbb {F} _{p}\otimes _{\mathbb {Z} }^{\mathbb {L} }\mathbb {F} _{p}}^{\mathbb {L} }\mathbb {F} _{p}} In order to compute this, we must resolve F p {\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}} as an F p Z L F p {\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}\otimes _{\mathbb {Z} }^{\mathbf {L} }\mathbb {F} _{p}} -algebra. Observe that the algebra structure

F p [ ε ] / ( ε 2 ) F p {\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}[\varepsilon ]/(\varepsilon ^{2})\to \mathbb {F} _{p}}

forces ε 0 {\displaystyle \varepsilon \mapsto 0} . This gives the degree zero term of the complex. Then, because we have to resolve the kernel ε F p Z L F p {\displaystyle \varepsilon \cdot \mathbb {F} _{p}\otimes _{\mathbb {Z} }^{\mathbf {L} }\mathbb {F} _{p}} , we can take a copy of F p Z L F p {\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}\otimes _{\mathbb {Z} }^{\mathbf {L} }\mathbb {F} _{p}} shifted in degree 2 {\displaystyle 2} and have it map to ε F p Z L F p {\displaystyle \varepsilon \cdot \mathbb {F} _{p}\otimes _{\mathbb {Z} }^{\mathbf {L} }\mathbb {F} _{p}} , with kernel in degree 3 {\displaystyle 3} ε F p Z L F p = Ker ( F p Z L F p ε F p Z L F p ) . {\displaystyle \varepsilon \cdot \mathbb {F} _{p}\otimes _{\mathbb {Z} }^{\mathbf {L} }\mathbb {F} _{p}={\text{Ker}}({\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}\otimes _{\mathbb {Z} }^{\mathbf {L} }\mathbb {F} _{p}}\to {\displaystyle \varepsilon \cdot \mathbb {F} _{p}\otimes _{\mathbb {Z} }^{\mathbf {L} }\mathbb {F} _{p}}).} We can perform this recursively to get the underlying module of the divided power algebra ( F p Z L F p ) x = ( F p Z L F p ) [ x 1 , x 2 , ] x i x j = ( i + j i ) x i + j {\displaystyle (\mathbb {F} _{p}\otimes _{\mathbb {Z} }^{\mathbf {L} }\mathbb {F} _{p})\langle x\rangle ={\frac {(\mathbb {F} _{p}\otimes _{\mathbb {Z} }^{\mathbf {L} }\mathbb {F} _{p})[x_{1},x_{2},\ldots ]}{x_{i}x_{j}={\binom {i+j}{i}}x_{i+j}}}} with d x i = ε x i 1 {\displaystyle dx_{i}=\varepsilon \cdot x_{i-1}} and the degree of x i {\displaystyle x_{i}} is 2 i {\displaystyle 2i} , namely | x i | = 2 i {\displaystyle |x_{i}|=2i} . Tensoring this algebra with F p {\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}} over F p Z L F p {\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}\otimes _{\mathbb {Z} }^{\mathbf {L} }\mathbb {F} _{p}} gives H H ( F p ) = F p x {\displaystyle HH_{*}(\mathbb {F} _{p})=\mathbb {F} _{p}\langle x\rangle } since ε {\displaystyle \varepsilon } multiplied with any element in F p {\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}} is zero. The algebra structure comes from general theory on divided power algebras and differential graded algebras.[3] Note this computation is seen as a technical artifact because the ring F p x {\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}\langle x\rangle } is not well behaved. For instance, x p = 0 {\displaystyle x^{p}=0} . One technical response to this problem is through Topological Hochschild homology, where the base ring Z {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} } is replaced by the sphere spectrum S {\displaystyle \mathbb {S} } .

Topological Hochschild homology

The above construction of the Hochschild complex can be adapted to more general situations, namely by replacing the category of (complexes of) k {\displaystyle k} -modules by an ∞-category (equipped with a tensor product) C {\displaystyle {\mathcal {C}}} , and A {\displaystyle A} by an associative algebra in this category. Applying this to the category C = Spectra {\displaystyle {\mathcal {C}}={\textbf {Spectra}}} of spectra, and A {\displaystyle A} being the Eilenberg–MacLane spectrum associated to an ordinary ring R {\displaystyle R} yields topological Hochschild homology, denoted T H H ( R ) {\displaystyle THH(R)} . The (non-topological) Hochschild homology introduced above can be reinterpreted along these lines, by taking for C = D ( Z ) {\displaystyle {\mathcal {C}}=D(\mathbb {Z} )} the derived category of Z {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} } -modules (as an ∞-category).

Replacing tensor products over the sphere spectrum by tensor products over Z {\displaystyle \mathbb {Z} } (or the Eilenberg–MacLane-spectrum H Z {\displaystyle H\mathbb {Z} } ) leads to a natural comparison map T H H ( R ) H H ( R ) {\displaystyle THH(R)\to HH(R)} . It induces an isomorphism on homotopy groups in degrees 0, 1, and 2. In general, however, they are different, and T H H {\displaystyle THH} tends to yield simpler groups than HH. For example,

T H H ( F p ) = F p [ x ] , {\displaystyle THH(\mathbb {F} _{p})=\mathbb {F} _{p}[x],}
H H ( F p ) = F p x {\displaystyle HH(\mathbb {F} _{p})=\mathbb {F} _{p}\langle x\rangle }

is the polynomial ring (with x in degree 2), compared to the ring of divided powers in one variable.

Lars Hesselholt (2016) showed that the Hasse–Weil zeta function of a smooth proper variety over F p {\displaystyle \mathbb {F} _{p}} can be expressed using regularized determinants involving topological Hochschild homology.

See also


  1. ^ Morrow, Matthew. "Topological Hochschild homology in arithmetic geometry" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 24 Dec 2020.
  2. ^ Ginzburg, Victor (2005-06-29). "Lectures on Noncommutative Geometry". arXiv:math/0506603.
  3. ^ "Section 23.6 (09PF): Tate resolutions—The Stacks project". stacks.math.columbia.edu. Retrieved 2020-12-31.

Introductory articles

  • Dylan G.L. Allegretti, Differential Forms on Noncommutative Spaces. An elementary introduction to noncommutative geometry which uses Hochschild homology to generalize differential forms).
  • Ginzburg, Victor (2005). "Lectures on Noncommutative Geometry". arXiv:math/0506603.
  • Topological Hochschild homology in arithmetic geometry
  • Hochschild cohomology at the nLab

Commutative case

  • Antieau, Benjamin; Bhatt, Bhargav; Mathew, Akhil (2019). "Counterexamples to Hochschild–Kostant–Rosenberg in characteristic p". arXiv:1909.11437 [math.AG].

Noncommutative case

  • Richard, Lionel (2004). "Hochschild homology and cohomology of some classical and quantum noncommutative polynomial algebras". Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 187 (1–3): 255–294. arXiv:math/0207073. doi:10.1016/S0022-4049(03)00146-4.
  • Quddus, Safdar (2020). "Non-commutative Poisson Structures on quantum torus orbifolds". arXiv:2006.00495 [math.KT].
  • Yashinski, Allan (2012). "The Gauss-Manin connection and noncommutative tori". arXiv:1210.4531 [math.KT].