Military Vaccine Agency

The Military Vaccine Agency (MILVAX) is a U.S. government program operating within the Office of the U.S. Army Surgeon General which supports all five U.S. Armed Services to enhance military medical readiness by coordinating U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) immunization (vaccination) programs worldwide. MILVAX works to protect servicemember health by facilitating vaccine information, education, scientific understanding, and product quality.


MILVAX coordinates and assesses U.S. military immunization programs worldwide through a variety of mechanisms, including an integrated electronic immunization tracking program. It is charged with safeguarding the shipping and handling of temperature-sensitive medical products within the military system.

MILVAX synchronizes information among the five US Armed Services and senior DoD staff elements, whom it assists with policy development, especially as related to bio-defense and pandemic issues. It provides education for military and other government healthcare workers and to the public through its website and call-in service.

MILVAX operates an "Immunization University" in coordination with the Vaccine Healthcare Centers Network to provide an informal collection of guidelines and training resources for medical staff. The University offers training on vaccine products and immunization services through distance learning and on-site classes sponsored by MILVAX.


  • MILVAX Website
  • Category:United States Army
Army Medical Department
Major Subordinate Commands
  • North Atlantic RMC
  • Southeast RMC
  • Great Plains RMC
  • Western RMC
  • Europe RMC
  • Pacific RMC
  • Fort Sam Houston
  • Fort Detrick (with Forest Glen Annex)
Medical Centers
Medical Department Activities
Field medical units
Medical Commands
Medical Groups
  • 55th Med Gp
  • 67th Med Gp
Medical Brigades
  • 1st Med BDE
  • 2nd Med BDE
  • 5th Med BDE
  • 8th Med BDE
  • 30th Med BDE
  • 32nd Med BDE
  • 44th Med BDE
  • 62nd Med BDE
  • 65th Med BDE
  • 176th Med BDE
  • 139th Med BDE
  • 307th Med BDE
  • 330th Med BDE
  • 332nd Med BDE
  • 338th Med BDE
  • 804th Med BDE
Combat Support Hospitals and Field Hospitals
  • 9th Hosp Ctr
  • 10th Field Hospital (United States)
  • 14th CSH
  • 28th CSH
  • 31th CSH
  • 47th CSH
  • 48th CSH
  • 75th CSH
  • 115th Field Hospital
  • 121st CSH
  • 212th CSH
  • 228th CSH
  • 256th CSH
  • 325th CSH
  • 328th CSH
  • 345th CSH
  • 349th CSH
  • 352d CSH
  • 396th CSH
  • 399th CSH
  • 405th CSH
  • 452th CSH
  • 801th CSH
  • 865th CSH
Forward Surgical Teams
  • 1st FST
  • 2nd FST
  • 8th FST
  • 67th FST
  • 102nd FST
  • 126th FST
  • 135th FST
  • 160th FST
  • 240th FST
  • 250th FST
  • 274th FST (ABN)
  • 402nd FST
  • 541th FST (ABN)
  • 555th FST
  • 624th FST
  • 628th FST
  • 629th FST
  • 691st FST
  • 745th FST
  • 758th FST
  • 759th FST (ABN)
  • 772nd FST
  • 848th FST
  • 874th FST
  • 909th FST
  • 911th FST
  • 912th FST
  • 915th FST
  • 932nd FST
  • 933rd FST
  • 934th FST
  • 936th FST
  • 945th FST
  • 946th FST
  • 947th FST
  • 948th FST
  • 1980th FST
  • 1982nd FST
schools, etc
Research Institutes & Centers