
Theales is a botanical name at the rank of order. Early classifications such as that of Dahlgren placed the Theales in the superorder Theiflorae (also called Theanae). The name was used by the Cronquist system for an order placed in subclass Dilleniidae, in the 1981 version of the system the circumscription was:

  • order Theales
    family Ochnaceae
    family Sphaerosepalaceae
    family Dipterocarpaceae
    family Caryocaraceae
    family Theaceae
    family Actinidiaceae
    family Scytopetalaceae
    family Pentaphylacaceae
    family Tetrameristaceae
    family Pellicieraceae
    family Oncothecaceae
    family Marcgraviaceae
    family Quiinaceae
    family Elatinaceae
    family Paracryphiaceae
    family Medusagynaceae
    family Clusiaceae

In the APG II system (used here) the taxa involved are assigned to many different orders, among which are Ericales, Malvales, and Malpighiales.

  • L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz (1992 onwards). The families of flowering plants: descriptions, illustrations, identification, information retrieval.