Arthur Schuster

Franz Schuster
Arthur Schuster
Nascimento Franz Arthur Friedrich Schuster
12 de setembro de 1851
Frankfurt am Main
Morte 17 de outubro de 1934 (83 anos)
Nacionalidade britânico
Cidadania Alemanha, Reino Unido, Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda
  • Francis Joseph Schuster
  • Marie Pfeiffer
Cônjuge Emma Caroline Elizabeth Loveday
Filho(a)(s) Norah Schuster
Irmão(ã)(s) Ernest Joseph Schuster, Felix Schuster, Paula Schuster
Alma mater
  • Universidade de Manchester
  • St John's College
  • Universidade de Heidelberg
Ocupação físico, estatístico, professor universitário
Prêmios Medalha Real (1893), Medalha Rumford (1926), Medalha Copley (1931)
Empregador(a) Universidade de Manchester
Campo(s) física
Título Knight Bachelor
[edite no Wikidata]

Franz Arthur Friedrich Schuster FRS[1] (Frankfurt am Main, 12 de setembro de 1851Berkshire, 17 de outubro de 1934) foi um físico britânico nascido na Alemanha.

Foi professor da Cátedra Beyer de Matemática Aplicada, de 1881 a 1888. Foi eleito membro da Royal Society em 1879.


  1. Simpson, G. C. (1935). «Sir Arthur Schuster. 1851-1934». Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society. 1 (4). 408 páginas. JSTOR 768973. doi:10.1098/rsbm.1935.0006 

Ligações externas

  • Arthur Schuster, "On Lunar and Solar Periodicities of Earthquakes ", Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 61 (1897), pp. 455–465 - Schuster's first paper on the use of the technique he later called the periodogram
  • Arthur Schuster, "On the Periodicities of Sunspots", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Vol. 206. (1906), pp. 69-100. - Schuster's later paper on sunspots
  • Schuster's Royal Society citation signed by Maxwell, Joule, and others
  • Obituary in Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society
  • Obituary Notices : Fellows:- Schuster, Sir Arthur, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 95, p.326
  • There is a photograph of Schuster at the Science and Society Picture Library and many more (as well as the X ray photographs he took) at Wellcome Images.
  • The story of Schuster and the medical use of X-rays is told at Sir Arthur Schuster A pioneer in the use of X-Rays
  • The position of Schuster at the Cavendish is described in Cavendish Laboratory: the First Ten Years

Precedido por
Charles Pritchard e John Newport Langley
Medalha Real
com Harry Marshall Ward
Sucedido por
Joseph John Thomson e Victor Horsley
Precedido por
Charles Vernon Boys
Medalha Rumford
Sucedido por
Friedrich Paschen
Precedido por
William Henry Bragg
Medalha Copley
Sucedido por
George Ellery Hale

  • v
  • d
  • e
1851: William Parsons e George Newport  • 1852: James Prescott Joule e Thomas Henry Huxley  • 1853: Charles Darwin e John Tyndall  • 1854: August Wilhelm von Hofmann e Joseph Dalton Hooker  • 1855: John Obadiah Westwood e John Russell Hind  • 1856: John Richardson e William Thomson  • 1857: Edward Frankland e John Lindley  • 1858: Albany Hancock e William Lassell  • 1859: Arthur Cayley e George Bentham  • 1860: Augustus Volney Waller e William Fairbairn  • 1861: James Joseph Sylvester e William Benjamin Carpenter  • 1862: Alexander William Williamson e John Thomas Romney Robinson  • 1863: John Peter Gassiot e Miles Joseph Berkeley  • 1864: Jacob Lockhart Clarke e Warren De La Rue  • 1865: Archibald Smith e Joseph Prestwich  • 1866: William Huggins e William Kitchen Parker  • 1867: John Bennet Lawes, Joseph Henry Gilbert e William Edmond Logan  • 1868: Alfred Russel Wallace e George Salmon  • 1869: Augustus Matthiessen e Thomas Maclear  • 1870: Thomas Davidson e William Hallowes Miller  • 1871: George Busk e John Stenhouse  • 1872: Henry John Carter e Thomas Anderson  • 1873: George James Allman e Henry Enfield Roscoe  • 1874: Henry Clifton Sorby e William Crawford Williamson  • 1875: Thomas Oldham e William Crookes  • 1876: Charles Wyville Thomson e William Froude  • 1877: Frederick Augustus Abel e Oswald Heer  • 1878: Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf Günther e John Allan Broun  • 1879: Andrew Ramsay e William Perkin  • 1880: Andrew Noble e Joseph Lister  • 1881: John Hewitt Jellett e Francis Maitland Balfour  • 1882: John William Strutt e William Henry Flower  • 1883: Thomas Archer Hirst e John Scott Burdon-Sanderson  • 1884: George Darwin e Daniel Oliver  • 1885: David Edward Hughes e Ray Lankester  • 1886: Peter Guthrie Tait e Francis Galton  • 1887: Alexander Ross Clarke e Henry Nottidge Moseley  • 1888: Osborne Reynolds e Ferdinand von Mueller  • 1889: Thomas Edward Thorpe e Walter Holbrook Gaskell  • 1890: John Hopkinson e David Ferrier  • 1891: Arthur William Rucker e Charles Lapworth  • 1892: Charles Pritchard e John Newport Langley  • 1893: Harry Marshall Ward e Arthur Schuster  • 1894: Joseph John Thomson e Victor Horsley  • 1895: John Murray e James Alfred Ewing  • 1896: Archibald Geikie e Charles Vernon Boys  • 1897: Richard Strachey e Andrew Russell Forsyth  • 1898: John Kerr e Walter Gardiner  • 1899: William Carmichael McIntosh e George FitzGerald  • 1900: Alfred Newton e Percy Alexander MacMahon
  • v
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1800: Benjamin Thompson · 1804: John Leslie · 1808: William Murdoch · 1810: Étienne-Louis Malus · 1814: William Charles Wells · 1816: Humphry Davy · 1818: David Brewster · 1824: Augustin-Jean Fresnel · 1832: John Frederic Daniell · 1834: Macedonio Melloni · 1838: James David Forbes · 1840: Jean-Baptiste Biot · 1842: William Henry Fox Talbot · 1846: Michael Faraday · 1848: Henri Victor Regnault
1900: Antoine Henri Becquerel · 1902: Charles Algernon Parsons · 1904: Ernest Rutherford · 1906: Hugh Longbourne Callendar · 1908: Hendrik Lorentz · 1910: Heinrich Rubens · 1912: Heike Kamerlingh Onnes · 1914: John William Strutt · 1916: William Henry Bragg · 1918: Charles Fabry e Alfred Perot · 1920: John William Strutt · 1922: Pieter Zeeman · 1924: Charles Vernon Boys · 1926: Arthur Schuster · 1928: Friedrich Paschen · 1930: Peter Debye · 1932: Fritz Haber · 1934: Wander Johannes de Haas · 1936: Ernest George Coker · 1938: Robert Williams Wood · 1940: Karl Siegbahn · 1942: Gordon Dobson · 1944: Harry Ricardo · 1946: Alfred Egerton · 1948: Francis Simon
2000: Wilson Sibbett · 2002: David King · 2004: Richard Dixon · 2006: Jean-Pierre Hansen · 2008: Edward Hinds · 2010: Gilbert Lonzarich · 2012: Roy Taylor · 2014: Jeremy Baumberg · 2016: Ortwin Hess · 2018: Ian Walmsley · 2019: Miles Padgett · 2020: Patrick Gill · 2021: Carlos Frenk
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  • Lista Completa
  • (1731–1750)
  • (1751–1800)
  • (1801–1850)
  • (1851–1900)
  • (1951–2000)
  • (2001–2024)
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Controle de autoridade
  • Wd: Q711452
  • WorldCat
  • VIAF: 64780994
  • BNF: 17030565q
  • FAST: 134293
  • GND: 117316717
  • ISNI: ID
  • LCCN: n84804187
  • NLA: 35483870
  • NPG: mp66767
  • NTA: 071756299
  • NUKAT: n2005016559
  • ODNB: 35975
  • openMLOL: 448700
  • SNAC: w64t6krh
  • SUDOC: 137934459
  • WikiTree: Schuster-1551
  • OL: OL1962978A
  • NLI: 000466329
  • NLA: 969530