Programul de televiziune al rețelelor din Statele Unite ale Americii din 1948–1949

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Programul de televiziune în prime-time din 1948–1949 pentru cele patru mari rețele de difuzare comercială în limba engleză din Statele Unite a fost nominal din septembrie 1948 până în martie 1949, dar ideile de programare erau încă în curs de elaborare și nu au respectat standardele moderne. Acesta a fost primul sezon în care toate cele patru rețele aflate atunci în funcțiune în Statele Unite au oferit programe de prime-time de luni până vineri.[1][2]

Programul este urmat de o listă după rețea a serialelor care revin, noi și anulate după sezonul 1947–1948.

Programul de mai jos reflectă lista din toamnă, pe măsură ce totul s-a așezat pe parcursul lunii octombrie 1948, înainte ca orice modificare ulterioară de timp să fie făcută și să apară noi seriale suplimentare în noiembrie.

Noile seriale de toamnă sunt evidențiate cu aldin. O serie de noi emisiuni de toamnă ale ABC au început încă de la jumătatea lunii august, când rețeaua a început pentru prima dată să transmită un program de șapte nopți. CBS și DuMont au început, de asemenea, câteva emisiuni noi în a doua jumătate a lunii august. Aceste emisiuni sunt notate ca atare cu (aug.). NBC a început să difuzeze Saturday Night Jamboree în decembrie.[3][4][5]

Mai multe programe notabile au debutat în timpul sezonului și în vara precedentă.


  •      Albastru deschis indică program local.
  •      Albastrul închis indică program de știri.
  •      Verde deschis indică evenimente sportive.
  •      Mov deschis indică filme.



Rețea 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
ABC Program local The Southernaires Quartet Hollywood Screen Test Actors Studio Program local
CBS (7:00 p.m.) The Week in Review
(7:15 p.m.) Program local
Ford Television Theatre Hour (lunar) Program local Toast of the Town (10:00 p.m.) America Speaks
(10:15 p.m.) Program local
Program local
DMN The Original Amateur Hour Program local
NBC (7:00 p.m.) Mary Kay and Johnny
(7:20 p.m.) Review of the Week
Admiral Presents the Five Star Revue — Welcome Aboard Author Meets the Critics Meet the Press The Philco Television Playhouse Program local

Note: Toast of the Town, cunoscut mai târziu ca The Ed Sullivan Show, a avut premiera 20 iunie 1948, la 9:00 p.m. pe CBS.

Pe DuMont, King Cole's Birthday Party, cunoscut și ca Birthday Party, a fost difuzat de la 6:00 la 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time din martie până în mai 1949.


Rețea 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
ABC (7:00 p.m.) News and Views
(7:15 p.m.) Program local
Kiernan's Corner Quizzing the News Program local
CBS (7:00 p.m.) Program local
(7:15 p.m.) Places Please
(7:30 p.m.) CBS Television News
(7:45 p.m.) Face the Music
Program local
DMN Doorway to Fame (7:30 p.m.) Camera Headlines
(7:45 p.m.) Program local
(8:00 p.m.) Champagne and Orchids
(8:15 p.m.) Program local
Program local Court of Current Issues Program local
NBC Program local (7:30 p.m.) America Song
(7:50 p.m.) Camel Newsreel Theatre
The Chevrolet Tele-Theatre Americana (9:00 p.m.) Program local
(9:10 p.m.) Boxing From St. Nicholas Arena

Note: Începând cu 18 iulie 1949, The Magic Cottage a fost difuzat de DuMont de luni până vineri, de la 6:30 la 7:00 p.m. Ora de Est.


Rețea 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
ABC (7:00 p.m.) News and Views
(7:15 p.m.) Program local
Movieland Quiz Program local America's Town Meeting Program local
CBS (7:00 p.m.) The Roar of the Rails
(7:15 p.m.) Program local
(7:30 p.m.) CBS Television News
(7:45 p.m.) Face the Music
Program local We the People People's Platform Program local
DMN (7:00 p.m.) The Alan Dale Show
(7:15 p.m.) Program local
(7:30 p.m.) Camera Headlines
(7:45 p.m.) I.N.S. Telenews
Operation Success Program local Boxing From Jamaica Arena
NBC Program local (7:30) Musical Miniatures
(7:50 p.m.) Camel Newsreel Theatre
Texaco Star Theater Mary Margaret McBride Program local Wrestling From St. Nicholas Arena

Note: Beginning July 18, 1949, The Magic Cottage aired on DuMont Monday through Friday from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time.


Rețea 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
ABC (7:00 p.m.) News and Views
(7:15 p.m.) Program local
Critic at Large The Gay Nineties Revue (8:30 p.m.) Candid Microphone
(8:45 p.m.) Three About Town
Program local Wrestling From Washington, D.C.
CBS (7:00 p.m.) Program local
(7:15 p.m.) Places Please
(7:30 p.m.) CBS Television News
(7:45 p.m.) Face the Music
Kobbs' Korner Winner Take All Tournament of Champions
DMN Fall King Cole's Birthday Party (7:30 p.m.) Camera Headlines
(7:45 p.m.) Program local
The Laytons (Aug.) The Growing Paynes Boxing From Jamaica Arena
NBC Fall Program local (7:30 p.m.) You Are an Artist
(7:50 p.m.) Camel Newsreel Theatre
Girl About Town (8:30 p.m.) The Ted Steele Show
(8:45 p.m.) Story of the Week
Kraft Television Theatre (10:00 p.m.) Program local
(10:10 p.m.) Village Barn
Mid-fall Picture This
Summer The Black Robe

Notes: On DuMont, King Cole's Birthday Party also was known as simply Birthday Party. The Laytons only lasted 10 episodes, from August 11 to October 13, 1948. Beginning July 18, 1949, The Magic Cottage aired on DuMont Monday through Friday from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

On NBC, Picture This, hosted by Wendy Barrie, aired November 17, 1948, to February 9, 1949. The Black Robe debuted on May 18, 1949, and ran from 8:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday until it began to air at various times on Mondays during August 1949.


Rețea 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
ABC Fall (7:00 p.m.) News and Views
(7:15 p.m.) Program local
Program local Club Seven ABC Feature Film Program local
Summer Blind Date Program local
Mid-summer Blind Date
CBS Program local (7:30 p.m.) CBS Television News
(7:45 p.m.) Face the Music
To the Queen's Taste Program local
DMN Fall The Adventures of Oky Doky (7:30 p.m.) Camera Headlines
(7:45 p.m.) The Jack Eigen Show
Program local Charade Quiz Wrestling From Columbia Park Arena
Summer King Cole's Birthday Party
NBC Program local (7:30 p.m.) NBC Presents
(7:45 p.m.) Girl of the Week
(7:50 p.m.) Camel Newsreel Theatre
(8:00 p.m.) Princess Sagaphi
(8:15 p.m.) The Nature of Things
The Swift Show The Gulf Road Show Starring Bob Smith The Bigelow Show Program local

Notes: On ABC, Blind Date debuted on May 5, 1949, airing from 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. It moved to 9:30 p.m. during July 1949 and aired in that time slot into September 1949.

On DuMont, King Cole's Birthday Party also was known as simply Birthday Party. Beginning July 18, 1949, The Magic Cottage aired on DuMont Monday through Friday from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time.


Rețea 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
ABC (7:00 p.m.) News and Views
(7:15 p.m.) Program local
(7:30 p.m.) Tales of the Red Caboose
(7:45 p.m.) Program local
Teenage Book Club That Reminds Me Break the Bank Program local
CBS (7:00 p.m.) Program local
(7:15 p.m.) Places Please
(7:30 p.m.) CBS Television News
(7:45 p.m.) Face the Music
(8:00 p.m.) Sportsman's Quiz
(8:05 p.m.) What's It Worth
Captain Billy's Mississippi Music Hall Program local
DMN Key to the Missing (7:30 p.m.) Camera Headlines
(7:45 p.m.) Program local
Fashions on Parade Program local Wrestling From Jamaica Arena
NBC Fall Program local (7:30 p.m.) Musical Merry-Go-Round
(7:50 p.m.) Camel Newsreel Theatre
Musical Miniatures Stop Me If You've Heard This One (9:00 p.m.) The Ted Steele Show
(9:15 p.m.) Program local
(9:30 p.m.) Gillette Cavalcade of Sports
(10:45 p.m.) Greatest Fights of the Century
Winter Your Show Time
Summer Hopalong Cassidy

Notes: From April 14, 1948, to April 22, 1949, Russ Hodges' Scoreboard aired Fridays from 6:30pm to 6:45pm ET on DuMont. Beginning July 18, 1949, The Magic Cottage aired on DuMont Monday through Friday from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

On NBC, Your Show Time replaced Musical Miniatures on January 21, 1949. Your Show Time had premiered on NBC's East Coast stations in September 1948, and began to include NBC's Midwest stations on January 21.


Rețea 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.
ABC (7:00 p.m.) News and Views
(7:15 p.m.) Program local
(7:30 p.m.) Sports with Joe Hasel
(7:45 p.m.) Program local
Program local
CBS Fall Program local
Spring Program local (7:30 p.m.) Program local/
(7:45–8:00 p.m.) Blues by Bargy
Program local
Summer (7:30 p.m.) Program local/
(7:45–7:55 p.m.) Blues by Bargy
NBC Fall Program local Television Screen Magazine Program local
Late fall Program local Saturday Night Jamboree
Winter Saturday Night Jamboree Television Screen Magazine
Spring Program local Program local Saturday Night Jamboree Program local
Summer Program local Meet Your Congress Program local

După rețea


Seriale care revin

  • Hollywood Screen Test
  • Kiernan's Corner
  • Movieland Quiz
  • News and Views
  • Sports with Joe Hasel
  • Teenage Book Club
  • That Reminds Me
  • Quizzing the News

Seriale noi

  • ABC Feature Film
  • ABC Television Players
  • Actors Studio
  • America's Town Meeting
  • Blind Date *
  • Bowling Headliners *
  • Break the Bank
  • Buzzy Wuzzy
  • Candid Microphone
  • Club Seven
  • Critic at Large
  • Crusade in Europe *
  • The Gay Nineties Revue
  • The Southernaires Quartet
  • Stand By for Crime
  • Tales of the Red Caboose
  • Three About Town
  • Wrestling from Washington, D.C.


Seriale care revin

  • Face the Music
  • The Fred Waring Show
  • CBS Television News
  • To the Queen's Taste
  • Toast of the Town
  • We the People
  • What's It Worth
  • Winner Take All

Seriale noi

  • Adventures in Jazz *
  • American Speaks
  • Arthur Godfrey and His Friends *
  • Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts *
  • Blues by Bargy *
  • Capital Billy's Mississippi Music Hall
  • Ford Television Theatre Hour
  • Kobbs' Korner
  • Lamp Unto My Feet
  • The Morey Amsterdam Show
  • Our Miss Brooks
  • People's Platform
  • Places Please
  • The Roar of the Rails
  • Ruthie on the Telephone *
  • The Sonny Kendis Show *
  • Studio One
  • Suspense *
  • Tournament of Champions
  • The Week in Review
  • Wesley


Seriale care revin

  • Camera Headlines
  • Charade Quiz
  • Court of Current Issues
  • Doorway to Fame
  • I.N.S. Telenews
  • The Jack Eigen Show
  • Key to the Missing
  • King Cole's Birthday Party
  • The Original Amateur Hour

Seriale noi

  • Admiral Broadway Revue *
  • The Adventures of Oky Doky
  • The Alan Dale Show
  • And Everything Nice *
  • Boxing From Jamaica Arena
  • Café de Paris *
  • Champagne and Orchids
  • Fashions on Parade
  • Front Row Center *
  • The Growing Paynes
  • Hotel Broadway *
  • Johnny Olson's Rumpus Room *
  • The Laytons
  • The Magic Cottage *
  • Manhattan Spotlight *
  • Newsweek Views the News
  • The Original Amateur Hour
  • The School House *
  • Spin the Picture * (originally Cut)
  • The Stan Shaw Show
  • Teen Time Tunes *
  • The Vincent Lopez Show
  • Window on the World *
  • Wrestling From Columbia Park Arena

Seriale care nu revin din sezonul 1947–1948:

  • Camera Headlines
  • Highway to the Stars
  • Look Upon a Star
  • Playroom
  • Small Fry Club
  • The Walter Compton News
  • Film western


Seriale care revin

  • America Song
  • Americana
  • Author Meets the Critics
  • The Bigelow Show
  • Camel Newsreel Theatre
  • Duffy's Tavern
  • Gillette Cavalcade of Sports
  • Juvenile Jury
  • Kraft Television Theatre
  • Mary Kay and Johnny
  • Meet the Press
  • Musical Miniatures
  • The Nature of Things
  • Stop Me If You've Heard This One
  • Story of the Week
  • The Swift Show
  • Television Playhouse
  • The Texaco Star Theater
  • Village Barn
  • You Are an Artist

Seriale noi

  • Academy Theatre *
  • Admiral Broadway Revue *
  • Admiral Presents Five Star Revue — Welcome Aboard
  • The Black Robe
  • The Chevrolet Tele-Theatre
  • Colgate Theatre *
  • Fireside Theatre *
  • Garroway at Large *
  • Girl About Town
  • Greatest Fight of the Century
  • The Gulf Road Show Starring Bob Smith
  • The Hartmans *
  • Hopalong Cassidy *
  • Mary Margaret McBride
  • NBC Presents *
  • The Philco Television Playhouse
  • Picture This
  • Princess Sagaphi
  • Saturday Night Jamboree
  • The Ted Steele Show
  • Theatre of the Mind *
  • Welcome Aboard *
  • Who Said That?
  • Wrestling From St. Nicholas Arena
  • Your Show Time *

Seriale care nu revin din sezonul 1947–1948:

  • The Esso Newsreel
  • In the Kelvinator Kitchen
  • MLB
  • MLB on NBC
  • Television Playhouse
  • Village Barn
  • The World in Your Home

Notă: * indică faptul că programul a fost introdus la mijlocul sezonului.


  1. ^ Brooks, Tim; Marsh, Earle F. (). The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows, 1946-Present (în engleză). Random House Publishing Group. p. 1195. ISBN 978-0-307-48320-1. Accesat în . 
  2. ^ McNeil, Alex (1996). Total Television: the Comprehensive Guide to Programming from 1948 to the Present (4th ed.). New York, New York: Penguin Books USA, Inc. p. 449. ISBN 0-14-02-4916-8.
  3. ^ NBC Yearbook, National Broadcasting Company, 1937
  4. ^ Norton, Jack (). Cornstars: Rube Music in Swing Time. ISBN 9781458340429. [nefuncționalăarhivă]
  5. ^ Hyatt, Wesley (). Short-Lived Television Series, 1948-1978: Thirty Years of More Than 1,000 Flops (în engleză). McFarland. p. 10. ISBN 978-1-4766-0515-9. Accesat în . 

Lectură suplimentară

  • Castleman, H. & Podrazik, W. (1982). Watching TV: Four Decades of American Television. New York: McGraw-Hill. 314 pp.
  • McNeil, Alex. Total Television. Fourth edition. New York: Penguin Books. ISBN: 0-14-024916-8.
  • Brooks, Tim & Marsh, Earle (2007). The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network and Cable TV Shows (9th ed.). New York: Ballantine. ISBN: 0-345-31864-1.

Vezi și

  • v
  • d
  • m
Programul TV al rețelelor din Statele Unite ale Americii
  • 1950–51
  • 1951–52
  • 1952–53
  • 1953–54
  • 1954–55
  • 1955–56
  • 1956–57
  • 1957–58
  • 1958–59
  • 1959–60
  • 1970–71
  • 1971–72
  • 1972–73
  • 1973–74
  • 1974–75
  • 1975–76
  • 1976–77
  • 1977–78
  • 1978–79
  • 1979–80
  • 1980–81
  • 1981–82
  • 1982–83
  • 1983–84
  • 1984–85
  • 1985–86
  • 1986–87
  • 1987–88
  • 1988–89
  • 1989–90
  • 1990–91
  • 1991–92
  • 1992–93
  • 1993–94
  • 1994–95
  • 1995–96
  • 1996–97
  • 1997–98
  • 1998–99
  • 1999–2000
  • 2000–01
  • 2001–02
  • 2002–03
  • 2003–04
  • 2004–05
  • 2005–06
  • 2006–07
  • 2007–08
  • 2008–09
  • 2009–10
  • 2010–11
  • 2011–12
  • 2012–13
  • 2013–14
  • 2014–15
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  • 2021–22
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  • 2023–24
  • 2024–25