Yuan T. Lee

Yuan T. Lee
Date personale
Născut (87 de ani)[13] Modificați la Wikidata
Shinchiku City⁠(d), Q124218881⁠(d), Taiwan under Japanese rule⁠(d) Modificați la Wikidata
PărințiLee Tse-fan[*][[Lee Tse-fan (Taiwanese painter (1907-1989))|​]] Modificați la Wikidata
Frați și suroriYuan-Chuan Lee[*][[Yuan-Chuan Lee (Taiwanese biochemist)|​]]
Yuan-Pern Lee[*][[Yuan-Pern Lee (Taiwanese chemist and researcher)|​]]
Li Jimei[*][[Li Jimei |​]] Modificați la Wikidata
Cetățenie Taiwan
 Statele Unite ale Americii () Modificați la Wikidata
cadru didactic universitar[*]
Nobel Prize winner Modificați la Wikidata
Limbi vorbiteMin Selatan[*][[Min Selatan (branch of the Min Chinese language)|​]]
limba chineză Modificați la Wikidata
Domeniuchimie  Modificați la Wikidata
Număr Erdős10  Modificați la Wikidata
InstituțieUniversitatea Harvard
Universitatea Berkeley din California
Universitatea din Chicago
California Institute of Technology  Modificați la Wikidata
Alma MaterNational Taiwan University[*][[National Taiwan University (national university located in Taipei, Taiwan)|​]]
Universitatea Berkeley din California
National Hsinchu Senior High School[*][[National Hsinchu Senior High School (national senior high school in East District, Hsinchu City)|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata
OrganizațiiAcademia Națională de Științe a Statelor Unite ale Americii[*]
Academia Pontificală de Științe[*]
Academia Regală Suedeză de Științe Inginerești[*]
Academia Americană de Arte și Științe[*]
Academia de Științe Göttingen[*]
Academia Sinica[*][[Academia Sinica (national academy of the Republic of China (Taiwan))|​]]
Academia Națională Indiană de Științe[*]
Societatea Americană de Fizică[1]
Committee of 100[*][[Committee of 100 (American organization founded in 1990 promoting Chinese-American relations)|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata
Conducător de doctoratBruce H. Mahan[*][[Bruce H. Mahan (chemist)|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata
DoctoranziPaul Weiss[*][[Paul Weiss (chimist american)|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata
PremiiBursă Guggenheim[*][2]
Faraday Lectureship Prize[*][[Faraday Lectureship Prize (award granted by the Royal Society of Chemistry)|​]] ()
Premiul Nobel pentru Chimie[*] ()[3][4]
Medalia Națională pentru Știință a Statelor Unite[*] ()
Fellow of the American Physical Society[*][[Fellow of the American Physical Society (fellowship of the American Physical Society)|​]]
Membru al Academiei Americane de Arte și Științe[*]
Honorary doctor of the University of Ottawa[*][[Honorary doctor of the University of Ottawa |​]]
doctor honoris causa al universității din Hong Kong[*]
honorary doctor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences[*][[honorary doctor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences |​]] ()[5]
honorary doctor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong[*][[honorary doctor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong |​]]
honorary doctorate from the University of Waterloo[*][[honorary doctorate from the University of Waterloo |​]]
honorary doctor of Waseda University[*][[honorary doctor of Waseda University |​]]
Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award[*][[Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award (American award for contributions in research and development supporting the Department of Energy)|​]] ()[6]
Clark Kerr Medal[*][[Clark Kerr Medal (American annual higher education prize)|​]] ()
grand officier de l'ordre national du Mérite[*][[grand officier de l'ordre national du Mérite (fourth rank in the National Order of Merit of France)|​]] ()[7][8]
Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry[*][[Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry (American annual award in physical chemistry)|​]] ()[9]
Othmer Gold Medal[*][[Othmer Gold Medal (award)|​]] ()[10]
Medal Kołosa[*][[Medal Kołosa (Polish medal awarded for achievements in chemistry)|​]] ()[11]
Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards[*][[Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards (awards given by the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc)|​]]
doctorat honoris causa de l'université Strasbourg-I[*][[doctorat honoris causa de l'université Strasbourg-I |​]] ()[12]  Modificați la Wikidata
Nume chinezesc
Hanyu PinyinLǐ Yuǎnzhé
Wade–GilesLi3 Yüan3-che2
Pe̍h-ōe-jīLí Oán-tiat
Modifică date / text Consultați documentația formatului
Medalia Premiului Nobel
Medalia Premiului Nobel

Yuan Tseh Lee (n. , Shinchiku City⁠(d), Q124218881⁠(d), Taiwan under Japanese rule⁠(d)) este un chimist american, născut în Taiwan, laureat al Premiului Nobel pentru chimie (1986).


  1. ^ Notable Names Database 
  2. ^ Guggenheim Fellows database 
  3. ^ Table showing prize amounts (PDF) (în engleză), Fundația Nobel, aprilie 2019, accesat în  
  4. ^ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1986 (în engleză), nobelprize.org, accesat în  
  5. ^ , Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China[*][[Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (ministry of education for the PRC)|​]] http://www.moe.gov.cn/s78/A22/xwb_left/moe_829/tnull_44386.html, accesat în   Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  6. ^ https://science.osti.gov/lawrence/Award-Laureates  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  7. ^ https://taiwaninfo.nat.gov.tw/news.php?unit=56,65,78,84,182,56,84&post=56738  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  8. ^ https://council.science/current/news/icsu-president-yuan-tseh-lee-receives-french-national-order-of-merit/  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  9. ^ https://www.acs.org/funding/awards/peter-debye-award-in-physical-chemistry/past-recipients.html  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  10. ^ https://www.sciencehistory.org/othmer-gold-medal  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  11. ^ https://ptchem.pl/pl/honors/winners-of-the-medals-and-ptchem-awards  Lipsește sau este vid: |title= (ajutor)
  12. ^ Journal officiel de la République française. Document administratif 
  13. ^ a b Yuan Tseh Lee, Brockhaus Enzyklopädie, accesat în  

v  d  m
Laureații Premiului Nobel pentru Chimie

Jacobus van 't Hoff (1901) · E. Fischer (1902) · Arrhenius (1903) · Ramsay (1904) · von Baeyer (1905) · Moissan (1906) · Buchner (1907) · Rutherford (1908) · Ostwald (1909) · Wallach (1910) · M. Curie (1911) · Grignard / Sabatier (1912) · Werner (1913) · Richards (1914) · Willstätter (1915) · Haber (1918) · Nernst (1920) · Soddy (1921) · Aston (1922) · Pregl (1923) · Zsigmondy (1925)


Svedberg (1926) · Wieland (1927) · Windhaus (1928) · Harden / von Euler-Chelpin (1929) · Fischer (1930) · Bosch / Bergius (1931) · Langmuir (1932) · Urey (1934) · Joliot / Joliot-Curie (1935) · Debye (1936) · Haworth / Karrer (1937) · Kuhn (1938) · Butenandt / Ružička (1939) · de Hevesy (1943) · Hahn (1944) · Virtanen (1945) · Sumner / Northrop / Stanley (1946) · Robinson (1947) · Tiselius (1948) · Giauque (1949) · Diels / Adler (1950)


McMillan / Seaborg (1951) · Martin / Synge (1952) · Staudinger (1953) · Pauling (1954) · du Vigneaud (1955) · Hinshelwood / Semionov (1956) · Todd (1957) · Sanger (1958) · Heyrovský (1959) · Libby (1960) · Calvin (1961) · Perutz / Kendrew (1962) · Ziegler / Natta (1963) · Hodgkin (1964) · Woodward (1965) · Mulliken (1966) · Eigen / Norrish / Porter (1967) · Onsager (1968) · Barton / Hassel (1969) · Leloir (1970) · Herzberg (1971) · Anfinsen / Moore / Stein (1972) · E. O. Fischer / Wilkinson (1973) · Flory (1974) · Cornforth / Prelog (1975)


Lipscomb (1976) · Prigogine (1977) · Mitchell (1978) · Brown / Wittig (1979) · Berg / Gilbert / Sanger (1980) · Fukui / Hoffmann (1981) · Klug (1982) · Taube (1983) · Merrifield (1984) · Hauptman / Karle (1985) · Herschbach / Lee / Polanyi (1986) · Cram / Lehn / Pedersen (1987) · Deisenhofer / Huber / Michel (1988) · Altman / Cech (1989) · Corey (1990) · Ernst (1991) · Marcus (1992) · Mullis / Smith (1993) · Olah (1994) · Crutzen / Molina / Rowland (1995) · Curl / Kroto / Smalley (1996) · Boyer / Walker / Skou (1997) · Kohn / Pople (1998) · Zewail (1999) · Heeger / MacDiarmid / Shirakawa (2000)


Knowles / Noyori / Sharpless (2001) · Fenn / Tanaka / Wüthrich (2002) · Agre / MacKinnon (2003) · Ciechanover / Hershko / Rose (2004) · Grubbs / Schrock / Chauvin (2005) · Kornberg (2006) · Ertl (2007) · Shimomura / Chalfie / Tsien (2008) · Ramakrishnan / Steitz / Yonath (2009) · Heck / Negishi / Suzuki (2010) · Shechtman (2011) · Lefkowitz / Kobilka (2012) · Martin Karplus / Michael Levitt / Arieh Warshel (2013) · Betzig / Hell / Moerner (2014) · Lindahl / Modrich / Sancar (2015) · Feringa / Sauvage / Stoddart (2016) · Dubochet / Frank / Henderson (2017) · Arnold / Smith / Winter (2018) · Goodenough / Whittingham / Yoshino (2019) · Charpentier / Doudna (2020) · List / MacMillan (2021) · Bertozzi / Meldal / Sharpless (2022) · Bawendi / Brus / Ekimov (2023)

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